Keeping Your Cells Strong

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Keeping Your Cells Strong

When something negative happens to our bodies, or our health, very few people look at the day to day impact it has on the cellular level. They are most often concerned with the overall picture, rather than the much smaller one. That related to tissue and cell injury, inflammation, and loss of mitochondrial function.  This translates into damage to cellular membranes, especially mitochondrial membranes that supply more than 90% of cellular energy needs and plasma membranes that provide lung epithelial, vascular, immune and other cells with an important barrier. It is clear that undamaged cellular membranes and the full function of mitochondrial membranes are necessary to produce the cellular energy that is required for support of optimum immunity [1]. 

The well-being of mitochondrial membranes is vital to our bodies. Virtually every system and function in our bodies depends on it. Cell health determines how your circulatory system works, your skeletal health, your ability to support a healthy immune system. This includes the millions upon millions of biological processes that take place on the enzyme and cell function levels. Each contributing to the overall support of good health.

This is what NTFactor Lipids® provides to our body’s cells and especially our mitochondria—the necessary undamaged membrane building blocks to maintain normal function.  These cellular membrane building blocks are glycerolphospholipids, which provide the matrix and barriers for every membrane in our cells and tissues.  Our natural tissue structures and transport systems allow NTFactor Lipids® to be transported to every cell in our body where they can replace damaged lipids in our cellular membranes and return them to normal function.

 We have published clinical trials to prove its effectiveness in terms of maintaining mitochondrial function, lowering fatigue, increasing cognition and other parameters that are affected by chronic health conditions.  [3, 3].

Daily use of oral NTFactor Lipids® is a simple and convenient way to maintain our cellular membranes’ health and function.  It can also be an important tool in aiding recovery from the cellular damage caused by chronic conditions, and by viral and bacterial infections.


  1. Nicolson GL. The Fluid—Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure: still relevant to understanding the structure, function and dynamics of biological membranes after more than 40 years. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biomembranes 2014; 1838: 1451-1466.

  • Nicolson GL, Ash ME.  Membrane Lipid Replacement for chronic illnesses, aging and cancer using oral glycerolphospholipid formulations with fructooligosaccharides to restore  phospholipid function in cellular membranes, organelles, cells and tissues. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biomembranes 1859: 1704-1724 (2017).

3.      Nicolson GL, Rosenblatt S, Ferreira de Mattos G, Settineri R, Breeding PC, Ellithorpe RR, Ash ME.  Clinical uses of Membrane Lipid Replacement supplements in restoring membrane function and reducing fatigue in chronic diseases and cancer.  Discoveries, 2016; 4(1): e54. Nicolson.pdf   

   or considerations/06.11.2016.update/Clinical_Uses_MLR-NicolsonDiscoveries2016.pdf

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