4 Reasons Allergies Leave You Fatigued—and How to Fight It

Home Allergies 4 Reasons Allergies Leave You Fatigued—and How to Fight It

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you don’t need to be told that they can leave you feeling fatigued and foggy day-and-night. This can make life miserable and have you wishing for any sort of relief you can find. But why does this happen—and how can you fight it? Read on to find out!

Why do allergies make you feel fatigued?

  1. Immune Response. During allergy season, your immune system is in an almost constant state of overdrive as it works to fight off allergens. When allergens are introduced into your body, the immune system reacts by creating large amounts of histamine to fight off the invaders. The more constant the exposure, the more relentlessly your body works to repel the threat.  
  2. Inflammation. When the histamine released into your system reacts to fight off allergens, it causes inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation is most often the result of oxidative stress on your cells. Your cells are the source of energy in your body, so when they aren’t functioning properly, you become fatigued.
  3. Sleep disruption. When we don’t get a good night’s sleep, we feel drained for most of the day. Allergies can cause sleep troubles in several ways. While we’re sleeping, a stuffy or runny nose, coughing, and throat clearing will disturb a good night’s rest. That is, if you can get to sleep at all! Plus, allergies can worsen existing sleep conditions, such as apnea. Getting a proper diagnosis for any sleep disorders is key to fighting off allergy fatigue.
  4. Sinus Pressure. People with allergies often talk about having brain fog. Pressure build-up in your sinus cavities may be one reason. Allergy sufferers can be so focused on the pain and pressure in their heads that it becomes hard to concentrate on even some basic tasks.

How can you fight allergy fatigue?

  1. Work with your doctor. The first step in combating your allergies is a proper diagnosis of your allergies by an allergist. Knowing what you’re allergic to is most of the battle. Working with your doctor, you can come up with a plan of treatment to relieve many of your symptoms. Your doctor can prescribe medication or suggest over-the-counter allergy products. When picking over-the-counter medicines, your best option is to choose non-drowsy formulas.
  2. Clean your indoor environment. Using air purifiers is another great tool. Reducing your exposure to allergy triggers is key to alleviating your symptoms. Using a purifier with a good quality filter will help reduce the amount of airborne allergens circulating. Keep the purifier by your favorite seat, close to your bed, or near the source of the allergens.
  3. Clean your body. Showering before bed can help with sleep. Not only can a hot shower be relaxing, it also aids in opening your sinuses. Plus, it washes away any allergens clinging to your skin or hair.
  4. Get the support of BreatheClear® with NTFactor®. BreatheClear with NTFactor® contains both quercetin and bioflavonoids, key ingredients in the reduction of allergy inflammation and reaction*. It was specifically designed to work on the inflammation and symptoms of environmental allergies and asthma*. And as with all NTFactor® products, it contains our patented NTFactor® Lipids, which have been proven to repair and replace damaged cell membranes, helping to optimize cell function and increase energy naturally.

Breathe easier this allergy season and fight allergic fatigue with BreatheClear with NTFactor®.

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