How to Safely and Naturally Remove that Extra Weight

Home General Health How to Safely and Naturally Remove that Extra Weight

Have you noticed that over the last year you’ve added some weight and your clothes don’t look or fit the same?  If so, you’re not alone.

Fortunately, there is a safe and natural way to lose weight and shed inches without starving yourself or using unproven, costly, and sometimes unsafe remedies.  The answer?  An extremely safe and convenient natural food supplement called Healthy CurbTM that has years of demonstrated success without using stimulants.


What is Healthy CurbTM, and what makes this supplement so effective and special?  Healthy CurbTM is a formulation of all-natural ingredients that combines a plant enzyme called amylase inhibitor with a natural, plant-derived lipid mixture called NTFactor®. This lipid blend provides the little batteries inside each of your cells (more formally known as your mitochondria) with molecules that repair the damage to their membranes caused by aging and stress, which in turn helps them produce the cellular energy that fuels everything you do.  Why is this helpful for weight loss? When you have less energy, you burn less sugar and fat, eventually storing these materials in fat cells that can grow and increase your weight and girth.

How did the ingredients of Healthy CurbTM end up in the same product?  First, amylase inhibitor has been known for some time to reduce sugar uptake by blocking the breakdown of complex sugars in the gut, but this ingredient alone is not enough to cause significant long-term weight loss.  Second, it was noticed that taking the oral supplement NTFactor® reduced the urge to snack and over-eat while providing the energy to increase daily physical activity.  In clinical studies, NTFactor® is known to increase mitochondrial function and cellular energy production by restoring the activities of the mitochondrial membranes. 


Inside our cells, there are hundreds of mitochondria, and each mitochondrion is surrounded by a double membrane system, but it is the inner membrane in this organelle that contains the specialized lipid molecules and protein constituents that form what has been called the ‘electron transport chain.’ The electron transport chain (ETC) is where almost all cellular energy is generated and oxygen is used to produce high-energy molecules that are needed in almost all cellular processes.  However, these critical organelle structures are also very sensitive to damage by stress, chemicals, disease, and even natural aging—and this is especially true of the mitochondrial membranes.  We can repair our mitochondrial and other cellular membranes using “Membrane Lipid Replacement;” this is where NTFactor®  comes in to rebuild our cellular membranes by replacing damaged membrane lipids and restoring function [1].

When our mitochondria are damaged and ETC-produced cellular energy declines, we perceive this as fatigue, malaise and a lack of overall energy to perform daily tasks.  Cellular energy is needed for almost everything that our cells and tissues do, from our internal organs to our muscles and nerves. Damage to our mitochondrial membranes manifests as a decline in every organ system in our body. 

Normally a healthy diet should provide all of the membrane molecules, such as membrane lipids, to maintain mitochondrial function, but for millions of us it isn’t possible to consume enough fresh meats, fruits and vegetables to replace all of the damaged membrane lipids. However, we can maintain our mitochondrial and other cellular membranes by “Membrane Lipid Replacement” with daily consumption of NTFactor®  [2].  And there are a number of different over-the-counter products containing NTFactor®  that can provide enough undamaged membrane lipids to maintain or even increase mitochondrial function.


What is the evidence that Healthy CurbTM can increase daily activity and safely reduce weight and girth?  In a peer-reviewed, published clinical study we examined the effects of Healthy CurbTM on weight loss, body girth, body mass, metabolic rate, appetite, cravings for sweets, fatigue and overall activity [3]. In this 2-month study 30 men and women took tablets of Healthy CurbTM before each meal and were told to eat and exercise normally.  Weight, waist and hip measurements were taken weekly, and appetite and sweet cravings were assessed weekly.  Fatigue and activity were determined by standard methods [3]. 

Here is what we found.  Most participants lost an average of 6.1 pounds (2.8 kg), along with average reductions of 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) and 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from waist and hip circumferences, respectively.  The entire group lost an average of 3.6 pounds (1.7 kg) with average reductions of 1.6 inches (4.1 cm) and 1.1 inch (2.9 cm) from waist and hip circumferences, respectively.   Weight loss and body measurement decreases were gradual, consistent and highly significant, along with reductions in body mass index (an indicator of total body mass) and metabolic rate measurements (an indicator of activity).  Overall hunger was reduced 44.5%, with reduced cravings for sweets and fats, and there was a 24% reduction in fatigue.  Along with fatigue reduction there was a 27% perceived improvement in cognition and ability to concentrate, remember and think clearly.  Blood lipid profiles at the end of the trial suggested improved cardiovascular lipid profiles, and there were no adverse events from taking Healthy CurbTM [3].

The results of the clinical study indicated that Healthy CurbTM was a safe, effective and easy way to lose some excess weight.  And this doesn’t begin to describe the other health benefits of taking NTFactor® , including heart and other organ benefits, such as improvements in memory and cognition [2].  These ‘extra’ health benefits of taking NTFactor®  make Healthy CurbTM an excellent choice for a weight-loss product. 

Make it part of your healthy living regimen today and see how you too can take advantage of these unique benefits!


  1. Nicolson GL, Ferreira de Mattos G. A brief introduction to some aspects of the Fluid—Mosaic Model of membrane structure and its importance to Membrane Lipid Replacement. Membranes 2021; 11(12): article 947.
  2. Nicolson GL, Ferreira de Mattos G, Ash M, Settineri R, Escribá PV. Fundamentals of Membrane Lipid Replacement, a natural medicine approach to reducing fatigue, pain, and other symptoms while restoring function in chronic illnesses and aging. Membranes 2021;11(12): article 944.
  3. Ellithorpe RA, Settineri R, Jacques B, Nicolson GL. Lipid Replacement Therapy functional food with NTFactor for reducing weight, girth, body mass, appetite, cravings for foods and fatigue while improving blood lipid profiles. Functional Foods in Health & Disease 2012; 2(1): 11-24.
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