5 Things You Need to Support Your Workout Routine

Home Exercise 5 Things You Need to Support Your Workout Routine

For many of us, the last year has meant slowing down, a disruption in our routines, and too much idle time. Unsurprisingly, this hasn’t helped when it comes to maintaining a healthy fitness routine. But it’s never too late to get back in the habit! With spring on its way and bringing more opportunities for outdoor exercise, there’s never been a better time to focus on setting yourself up for success in your workout routine.

Ready to do this? Then here are five must-haves to support your physical fitness plan:


It’s no secret that a good exercise routine needs proper fuel—or that we can draw a lot of energy from carbohydrates. But not all carbs are created equal! Foods that get most of their carb content from simple carbs (think sugar) will give you a quick burst of energy but fizzle out quickly. Foods with complex carbs (such as legumes, starchy vegetables and whole grains) will burn slower, giving you more energy for a longer period of time—and no sugar crash! Choose carbohydrate options with a higher fiber content; avoid fueling your workout with a morning muffin or a plate of pasta. Instead, choose options like cooked sweet potato, brown rice, or even a cup of oatmeal. Add some blueberries or banana for even more nutrition from your pre-workout meal!


Cardio is an important part of any workout routine, but if you want to see real results, you need to work in strength training as well. Not everyone has access to a gym (especially now, when many are closed or limiting capacity), but we can all benefit from the use of free weights. A small set of free weights is easy to store at home and provides you with the opportunity to work in a little strength training anytime that fits your schedule. (Combine your next Netflix binge with a set of bicep curls!) Plus, free weights engage your body in important ways, combining a wide range of motions with stabilizing core work that will help you perform better in your everyday life.

According to strength coach and personal trainer Mike Donavanik, “Machines usually having you sitting down and lifting a weighted load while restricted to a single plane of motion. However, in life outside of the gym, you’re rarely if ever pushing, pulling, or lifting while seated… Even a basic free-weight exercise, such as a standing dumbbell biceps curl, carries over into daily activities like lifting up grocery bags or shopping bags. Now, that’s a basic exercise.” (Source)


Proper hydration is important for everything you do—but especially for exercise! When we work out, we lose fluids via sweat, and it’s important to replace them in order to avoid heat exhaustion or dehydration. If you’re exercising in dry or hot weather, or high altitude, it’s even more important, as these conditions can sap even more liquids from our bodies. The best way to ensure hydration is always at hand: invest in a reusable water bottle! Choose something that fits the needs of your workout—if you’re an avid cyclist, you’ll want something with a pop top, a runner needs a lightweight water bottle they can grip easily, for hiking you’ll want something durable (there are even options available with filters built in, in case you need to top up from a natural water source!). Here are some great water bottle recommendations for a variety of active endeavors!

Another post-workout hydration tip: chase your exertion with a tall glass of chocolate milk. Yes, I said chocolate milk! The combination of carbohydrates and protein helps your muscles recover from their efforts, and nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium will also help replace some of the electrolytes you lost working up a sweat. So, go ahead: treat yourself!


Speaking of calcium and magnesium, these two powerhouse minerals are vital to keeping your body in ideal shape—especially if you’re active! Both are crucial to the growth and strength of your bones, and to maintaining healthy muscle function. Cal Mag with Vitamin D and NTFactor® provides the right balance of magnesium and vitamin D to support proper absorption and distribution of calcium, plus the natural energy-boosting power of NTFactor®’s proprietary phospholipid blend. Be sure to keep this one stocked in your medicine cabinet to give your body the support it needs for all your endeavors.


Finally, one of the most important things you can do to boost your workout routine: rest. The hours you spend asleep provide crucial recovery time for your body. While you snooze, your body is hard at work repairing muscles and producing the growth hormone we use to build lean muscle mass. Proper rest will also ensure your body has the energy it needs to complete your workout. While lack of sleep doesn’t actually alter your physical capabilities, it does make you feel fatigue much more quickly, hampering your endurance. In fact, studies have shown that just one night of poor sleep can result in decreased endurance.

Combining these five elements will provide a great base for you to get back in the fitness groove (or up your game if you’re already in a routine!). Spring is here! So get up, get out there, and get moving!

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