NTFactor® Cuts Your Biological Age Markers In Half!
See How It Works as Proven in Clinical Studies
The Problem
As we get older, the membranes in our cells accumulate damage caused by oxidative stress and other outside forces. This damage extends to our mitochondria, the little batteries inside each cell that produce energy. The mitochondrial membrane damage causes us to lose energy, and it can lead to all the other characteristics associated with aging.

The Solution
NTFactor® repairs the membrane damage by replacing damaged, oxidized phospholipids with healthy, unoxidized phospholipids and returns cellular membranes to healthy function.
How NTFactor® Repairs Damaged Cells

NTFactor®’s formula containing phospholipids dissolves from tablets in the GI tract and moves to the intestinal cell membranes and intercalates into the membranes by the process of Spontaneous Partitioning or Spontaneous Incorporation. This process exchanges damaged membrane phospholipids with new, undamaged NTFactor® phospholipids.
NTFactor® phospholipids reach every cell and organ in the body and repairs the cellular membranes, by the transfer from cell-to-cell and membrane-to-membrane of new, undamaged NTFactor® phospholipids.
NTFactor® Spreads To The Body
Repairing and Restoring Damaged Cells Over Time

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